Tag Archives | finished projects


baby quilt love and a winner

happy Friday! let’s begin by announcing the winner of these yummy fabric scraps…. congratulations to Ourbusylittlebunch!! I am emailing you…. so remember the baby quilt finish from last week?? well…here is my new great-nephew!! isn’t he adorable??!! so fun making baby quilts for new members in the family!! finished this baby quilt too this week…. […]

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cruiser blvd

winner and a few finishes

happy Friday! let’s begin by announcing the winner of this week’s giveaway is Lea!! congratulations!! I am emailing you. I did manage to finish up the binding on this adorable baby quilt and ship it to my new great-nephew!! oh my! here is another of my sunshine serenade projects completed! and another! they have all […]

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a few sunshine serenade finishes + winner

hello Friday! let’s announce the winner of the giveaway this week…. congratulations to Helen!! I am emailing you… I have had some requests for pictures of my finished projects using Sunshine Serenade…. so…today I will share a few… here is a variation of my plus runner… I made a two-sided chevron pillow cover… one side…. […]

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wrens and friends

quilting, binding and a winner

This week the winner of these yummy scraps is Trillium!!! Congratulations! Email me – brooke@sillymamaquilts.com Remember this project?? Next on the list was to quilt it…. I did some simple stitches…what do you think?? here is another view…. My long arm quilter did the larger quilt for Gina…now binding time…. I really love this mini-chevron […]

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daydream quilt

spring break sewing and a winner

Let’s begin by announcing the winner of the giveaway for this week…. Anita!!! Congratulations!! Email me at brooke@sillymamaquilts.com. So if you remember…it is Spring Break at our house… so along with crafting…there is a Sorry tournament too… Luke and Gramma made a sock monkey… Heidi and Gramma made a quilt top… Heidi selected fabrics from […]

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sewing, sewing and a winner

Let’s begin by announcing the winner of the giveaway this week….Charlotte!! Email me at brooke@sillymamaquilts.com. Congratulations! I am making some slow progress on this project…but it is coming…. did a bit of playing with these strips… I am experimenting with this line…do you recognize it?? finished binding this adorable cowboy quilt…love it!! Happy Sewing!

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simply color

a few projects

This week….the plan is to sew with these….remember this line?? I have a custom request for two pieces 10 x 24.  Now that all the fabrics have arrived, I am ready to create…. I finally unwrapped this kit I purchased at Market, but….ran out of time.  I know my project will be smaller, just haven’t […]

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