Tag Archives | finished projects

2 pink bears

2 pink bears + winners

hello Friday! welcome to the Friday finishes linky party! so I am sure you remember my bear project… so here is my first bear… I love it so far… so I used parts of the romper for the body front and back and then the ruffle is from the sleeve and the ears are actually […]

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advent calendar time

advent calendar time + winners

hello Friday! welcome to the Friday finishes linky party! so you might remember that I posted about using my Cricut Maker and Easy Press to make the top of my Advent Calendar… so I was super excited that my idea of using the Maker for my “Merry Christmas” letters on the top panel of my […]

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sweater mitten time

sweater mitten time + winners

hello Friday! and welcome to the Friday finishes linky party! ready to have some fun?? so this year I figured I would get a better jump on the whole sweater mitten making thing… I went out last week and found some “new” sweaters to use for upcycled mittens! to get back into the groove… I […]

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bright baby boy quilt

bright baby boy quilt + winners

hello Friday! welcome to the Friday finishes linky party too!! today I have some fun to share….so be sure to read all the way through…plus announcing the winners of this week’s giveaways… so let’s get started… I am super excited to say that the Bright Baby Boy quilt is finished!!! this was where I left […]

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finished nautical quilt

finished nautical quilt + winners

hello Friday! welcome to the Friday Finishes linky party! a bit ago…I shared this sneaky peek of the quilting on my nautical quilt… and today I am pleased to say it is finished!! there are just so many things I love about this project… I love the color combinations and how well they played together… […]

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happy Friday finishes

happy Friday finishes + winners

hello Friday! welcome to the Friday finish linky party! recently I shared about some handwork I had since enjoying some studio sewing time… I am making progress with my handwork… each evening I try to bind at least one item… all of these items are currently listed in my etsy shop… some of them are […]

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hello Friday finishes

happy Friday finishes + winners

hello Friday! welcome to the Friday finishes linky party! first up today… a few weeks ago it was my birthday… my Mom made her and I matching bags! don’t you just love these blue prints!!?? this bag has a sweet opening in the bottom so that you can wash it… with a removable fabric covered […]

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friday finishes

Friday finishes + winners

hello Friday! welcome to Finish it up Friday! don’t you just love this project?? Sally, who is one of my readers and winner of one of my giveaways… emailed me this adorable quilt made with pieces she won… isn’t it great??!!! I LOVE seeing what you guys make with fabric you win! this past week […]

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blue and green quilt

blue and green quilt + winners

hello Friday! welcome to Finish It Up Friday! today I am excited to share the finished blue and green quilt! click here to read about this project… here you can see some of the amazing quilting my Momma did…fabulous!! my lovely Momma with the quilt… doesn’t she live in an amazing place… do you recognize […]

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